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Recursive Dream

Resistance is the Source of Suffering

This post is related to Sadhanapada, a seven month program of transformation and spiritual development at Isha Yoga Center in southern India, beginning July 2024. Read the introduction for important context.

Suffering is already a rejection of the current situation, a lack of acceptance of the current situation as it is. — Rupert Spira

I write this in the midst of my fourth illness in six weeks. I had hoped to become more immune over the course of the program, but the opposite appears to be the case. The symptoms are familiar: intermittent fever, fatigue, rasping cough, and sinus congestion so extreme I can't sleep at night.

When I felt it coming on, I decided this round would be different in one regard: I would offer no resistance to it whatsoever. I felt no guilt when I took two days rest from my volunteering responsibilities. I performed all my practices as best I could, making no comparison to previous days. When I couldn't sleep I didn't toss and turn, grow frustrated, or look at my phone — I sat up and meditated until I was blessed with just enough airflow to fall asleep. Neither complaint nor rumination crossed my mind. The difference from the previous month's cycle of illness was stark:

If you are not in the state of either acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm, look closely and you will find that you are creating suffering for yourself and others. — Eckhart Tolle

Honestly, I didn't really do anything — I just observed that the negative thoughts I had experienced the previous couple months, though I wasn't explicitly identifying with them, were nonetheless sapping my energy and creating subtle resistance elsewhere. I set the intention to be done with them and Grace permitted me the respite.

I would be lying if I said I weren't a bit excited to head home in six weeks, where I know I will be healthy and well-rested. Of course I will lose a lot of support in the trade, but I have to leave the nest some time. Maybe I can sneak Dhyanalinga on the plane...

Nothing troubles me. I offer no resistance to trouble - therefore it does not stay with me. On your side there is so much trouble. On mine there is no trouble at all. Come to my side. — Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj